NCO101 Tutor-Marked Assignment (TMA01) SUSS: July 2024 – Living with Community

TMA01 Question

Using your neighbourhood or another neighbourhood of your choice, write a photo essay with 4-6 photos that applies and explains relevant concept(s) of community in the context of Singapore’s social support system. For this assignment, “social support” can be understood as “helping the less privileged and vulnerable, and promoting a spirit of giving and volunteering”.

(Adapted from Forward SG:

In your single, 1200-word photo essay (max; including in-text citations, but excluding references), you should:

 Discuss and Apply : Discuss one of the concepts presented in John Bruhn’s “Conceptions of Community:
Past and Present” and from at least one other reading. Apply the concept(s) to your own understanding of community.
Identify and Explain : Identify spaces, places, items or social situations in your selected neighbourhood that are examples of Singapore’s social support system and explain how they reinforce your understanding about community.
Mechanics (20 marks): Use appropriate and relevant photos. Articulate your ideas clearly and grammatically. Include proper in-text citations and references.

Required Readings (available in SUSS library)

1. John G. Bruhn. (2005). “Conceptions of Community: Past and Present” in The Sociology of Community Connections. Springer US. *PDF provided in L-Group Canvas Page. &

2. At least ONE other source materials to support your own understanding of community and community engagement. (Source materials can include relevant and reliable nontext sources, such as audio-visual materials. If in doubt, check with your instructor).

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