GEC1015/GEH1049 Group Project Assignment NUS July 2024: Public Health in Action – vaping amongst youth in


In this group project, you are given two tasks:

(i) Explain why vaping amongst youths is a public health concern in Singapore and (ii) using any twodifferent layers of the Socio-Ecological model (SE model) covered in this course, you are to explain in detail two separate reasons (one reason for each layer) that contribute to the increasing prevalence of vaping amongst youths in Singapore (in no more than 1200 words). You may make use of case studies and examples from elsewhere but you must show clear and logical connections to the Singapore context. Making use of real-life examples, evidence, data and scholarly sources, you should write a short response which demonstrates an understanding of the two factors you have identified (one reason for each layer) in contributing to the vaping scene amongst youths in Singapore.

Do indicate your preference on the Canvas discussion forum (in the stipulated forum page for your group) for the two layers of the SE model your group wish to work with. No two groups (in an assigned cluster of 4 groups) should be working on the same two layers of the SE model. The deadline for preference indication is 9th September, 6pm. The earlier you submit your preference on the forum, the higher the chance that your preference will be accepted. Once the two layers of SE model are chosen and posted on Canvas discussion forum, no further changes are allowed after the deadline for preference indication.

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Structure of Task 1:  

Maximum word limit: 1200 words including the headings given below but excluding in-text citations and reference list. You do not need to adhere to the stipulated word range for each section stated below, they are just a suggested guide. However, you are required to indicate the word count at the end of every section, excluding in-text citations.

a) Introduction (450-550 words) 

Your short introduction should describe why vaping amongst youths is a Public Health challenge in Singapore. Provide specific evidence in Singapore to substantiate your explanation. Thereafter, include a short outline of your two reasons which contribute to the Public Health concern of vaping amongst youths in Singapore.

b) Explanation of reasons/factors using the Socio-ecological model

(Two separate paragraphs; one reason/factor each – total of between 550-700 words; you can decide on the length of each paragraph) 

Make use of any two layers of the Socio-ecological model to explain the two chosen reasons that have contributed to the Public Health concern of vaping amongst youths in Singapore (one reason for each layer). Be sure to integrate evidence and data from academic sources to support your answer.

c) Conclusion (50-100) 

Your conclusion can reiterate the significance of the vaping issue amongst youths in Singapore.

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All references should be cited using the APA referencing style. You will also need to include a reference list on a separate page, which is the final page of your report. Failure to cite references accurately will result in penalization of marks.

Should there be more than one edition of APA referencing style, follow the latest edition.

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